Sunday, May 12, 2013

12 May 2013

(In response to an article, "What is the greatest invention? Duct Tape.  It's like the force.  It has a light side and a dark side and it holds everything together." by Ricky Loveland, Jr.)

If you were all here, write down what you believe (at your age) what it is (the greatest invention) and why you believe this is the greatest invention in the history of mankind?

Then if you have time tell us in some way.  A written note, email, skype, or eye to eye.  Each person will be so unique.  I believe you know from their life experiences to this Mother's Day 2013. I recall for it was your mother who loved you before you were born, who carried you close to her heart and then passed through the Valley of the Shadow of Death to give you life which you have accepted as a matter of course without any emphasis of appreciation or conscience gratitude as you've grown older.

Ask each person alone, in private so one will not feed off another one, a true measure of each Warriors thinking at this one on one with your.  Here a true measure of what each Warrior believes at this moment-this 12th day of May 2013.

Yes indeed-Moms are special and once each year is not enough for sure to do what mom wants.  This is a want, not a need.  Of course there is a big difference between these two.  Im in Dairy Queen getting Fran a surprise cause it's Mother's Day.  A big man stands behind me in line and orders a big ice cream cake.  I said, "Your wife is really special for you" He butts in, "No sir.  Not for my wife.  This is for my mom.  I asked her what she wanted for Mother's Day and she said Ice Cream Cake from Dairy Queen."  Then I said, "Are you going to test it first to make sure it's just right?" He said, "No.  This my mother will really enjoy.  Maybe she will share."  We smiled and walked away.  Go to my sweet Frances.


15 May 2013

Dear Warriors,
This is one tough question for me.  The wheel, make and control fire, Hmmmm..... How about the first DIODE (did I spell that correctly).  Look at what Benjamin Franklin did, the ability to record ideas.

The greatest invention, you all know this story, stuff has been there all the time.  Man (who can will and reason-no other living thing can do that-what these other living things can do is called conductive reflex) Ok so Man will and reasons either inductively or deductively and he discovers what was there all the time.  Hmmm..... Who is it that does not believe in _____? Hmmm... How about finding and organizing and recording DNA.  How about aides for the eyes so we can see 20/20.  In all your life experiences you have become what you are today the sum of your family, mom and dad, and here you are today. Now what will you do with what has been given you and your fine tuned abilities to be able to do so many things SO WELL.

Maybe it was the very first ice cream.  I wonder who and where.  Or was it an accident. Some inventions appear when those searching on something else and WOW!  Something brand new.  NASA from it's first day has discovered a big invention generator that has helped mankind the world over.

Well, what in your life experience in your mind has been the greatest invention to help all of mankind? Please tell me.


1 comment:

  1. I like that ice cream made the list. As I sit here comfortably in my house I would have to go with air conditioning. Or pez. Cherry flavored pez.
