Monday, July 1, 2013

01 July 2013

(In response to an article "Take life insurance in your own hands-Term policy plus mutual fund might be best strategy")

Dear Ones,
So what will your family do if you are not here.  Tomorrow you are gone.  What is your plan to have them help themselves? Your options are:
1. Do nothing.
2. Do something.
3. Everyone has to have a will and all the legal documents that go with the will to protect your life's work.  The boy scouts were correct.  BE PREPARED.  This is your life, your time is today to take action.  All Weiland Warriors DO THIS.

I sold this stuff for a time in San Antonio licensed by the state of Texas, worked my way up to RVP at Primerica company.

Who in the world cares more about you than the mirror? When I did this in 1979-89 it's now for you to know.
1. 90% of life insurance sold in the world was sold in the US.
2. Most loud in US outside government were insurance companies.
3. Insurance companies bet you are going to LIVE and you bet you are going to DIE.
4. Who in this world care more about your money than you? Only you and the mirror.
5. So please understand TERM is the only kind you should buy.  NOTHING ELSE EVER! and some day you may have so much money you will not need any insurance.

OK, When you buy term you RENT that amount for 30 days.  So it's $50-100 or more or less.  You MUST be full of the program to keep your body near 100% HEALTH so that easy.  The Word of Wisdom you have been part of your upbringing so if you follow that plan your life will be long and full of good living.  If using your free will (only men and women can will and reason) no other living thing can do that! (Down the chain of living things it's called condition reflex.) So you decide how to care for your body.  The insurance company "actuary" is the group in the insurance company that KNOWS exactly the day +/- a few days that you will die.  That's their job.  If you smoke, do drugs, boogie it up and tell the truth to the insurance company you pay a higher rate for $____ because you are going to die sooner.  They then do what from day one.  They take your money, invest it, make a profit on hour money and live in a big house, drive a big car and take a vacation every month for about 10 days each and every month.  Hey.  Why did I give them my money so they can use my money to make a profit.

Ok, so what we did was (1980) say $100 is what you have in your budget for insurance.  We took $50 and you had, for 20 years, a $500,000 plan with goal of $100,000 in your investment plan.  This would give your wife $1,000 a month forever and still leave the $100,000.  We then take the other $50 and invest it into mutual funds.  Short need, long term stuff.  It grows, you never touch it.  It's your money you invest and you can buy/sell as you want.  This program will grow.  It is about 7% +/- since George Washington times more or less.  Just keep trucking.

Do you did OK.  Dead $500,000 + $1,000 a month + what the mutual funds, stocks, bonds and she can work some part time and home or whatever she is full of passion for.  An ice cream ?? will do just fine.  If you buy anything else these insurance people will fool you, take advantage of you.  They do just fine.  Because people trust them.  The words they use will trick you.

All Weiland Warriors are smarter than that.  If you want to ask me more, I am still here.  It's 01 July 2013.  Just buy term and invest the difference.  Emergency fund 1st. 6 months pay in cash. 100% debt free.  0 credit cards.  No loans. Pay cash for everything.  You can barter.  Americans are the the worst barter people in this world.  We just accept the stated printed price.  Never do this.  People can't say no unless you ask them.

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