Wednesday, August 22, 2012

22 August 2012

My dad told me when he first saw Tim and me in 1958-Remember your son will grow to be a mirror image of you and you are now a father forever.  Welcome to the club! And we (mom and I) thank you both for bringing a boy into our family.  Now our family name will be able to move on to a new generation.  There was a LONG HUG between us that day.

I can't remember if I ever told Tim, Peter, John and Tom this Christmas time in Portland. We had driven almost non stop from Montgomery, Alabama to Portland at the end of SOS school.  Fran, Tim, Topper the dog and I driving the 1958 4-door blue/white chevy ?? A/C.  You are special men.  Those boys and girls have watched you in action as a father from the day they were born.  I am sure you think on your growing and what you remember about your own mother and father and granny too.  Then there was JB who we took in.  Tom was a good trooper to put up with JB and problems.  Even today I think on more than +.  Well, this over the fence talk (cartoon attached with men talking over a fence) just brought some past events into this old brain.  It's too late to go back is it not, but each of you have the rest of today and some who knows weeks, months, even years ahead.

You four will be great examples to your children, and of course, they and their freedom and free will will decide what day they get over "Fools Hill".  The church position, as I recall, is about 8 years when one becomes able to will and reason.  The Chinese, I have been told, do not admonish children until about the age of 5.  Hmmm... and of course so many people at the age of 60 years are still not over "Fools Hill".

I have a visit to the Roto-Rooter doctor tomorrow.  Will advise.  Your right leg is not in the proper (move the blood around) It's that old. Diabetes Tim! Toes-Foot-Leg-so better work harder to control the desired #'s each day and make some progress in mass reduction program.  No time like the present.  My blood sugar this morning is 87.  One shot of OJ and I am okay.  Weight now 162 to 166 and holding.  That's about right.  Other MRI's show stuff (normal for old geezers, I guess).  Fran better with long lasting shot to help white count low to move up.

Let's see now, we are thrilled with this day.  Clear blue, maybe 92 degrees in the 70s at night now.

Love you all,

Thursday, June 14, 2012

14 June 2012

You know the time when the very first time you see a new born and say WOW! What a wonder.  Then to have those ever so small fingers squeeze your fingers its too much.  Life in action.  Then every once in a while something new happens like a smile or a wave and of course sounds of all kinds.  There is that swell lady who just passed through the valley of the shadows of death to give you life.  So there you are, a wonder.  Your mother and I joined forces to create you with all the love Heavenly Father has.  This perfect spirit with it's own everything-Mind, body and spirit.  Different than all other living beings on this earth. One of a kind.

Love you all,
Dad & Grandma & Pops too or the Old Geezer

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

25 January 2012

Ok, you have known lots of people around the world from every society and background and even ways of living each and every day.  When you study/watch the old people who is LDS I think (from my experience) they are in better health (the old geezer).  That's what I see.  Now you add some faith.

Were you ever given a blessing when you were ill?  I've written when I came home from my 1st tour-end of September 1969-emergency leave because dad was in ICU in GRAVE condition and often I had given him a blessing.  4-5 minutes as mom and I stood behind the nurse at the station where all readings of the body are visible, all of a sudden she gets up, walks to the doctor, they both return, maybe 15 seconds have passed.  He looks, they talk, he goes to dad listens to what's going on, he returns to mom and me.  Maybe there are just some things we can not explain.  ALL of his vitals are normal.  It's amazing with what his history has been.  I cannot tell you more, then no one speaks.  After a time he says, "Why don't you both go home.  If there is any change we will call you.  Everything is normal.  Something has happened I cannot explain." We thank him and leave and in the car going home my right leg feels funny.  What is this? I forgot to put the cap on the bottle of oil I put in my pocket.

You can and you will make your own decision on this event.  Dad lived in fairly good health for a time after this event.  He could walk, talk and eat.  Had some speech problems....Hey! Each day is very nice to enjoy!

Monday, January 9, 2012

What do WEILAND'S stand for??

Tim called.  His family has created this.


E-Enjoy the journey
I-Invite the Spirit
L-Learn from our mistakes
A-Always honest
N-Never give up
D-Devoted to God and each other
S-Serve with a happy heart